Tuesday, May 20, 2008

GRE Verbal Studying

I am currently preparing myself to take another round of GRE in hope of proving I am somewhat English literate. I bought this GRE Verbal flash card set thinking that this would get me motivated on memorizing vocabs once again.

As I go through many so called high GRE frequency words starting with the letter A, I find myself capable of breaking words into roots and suffixes/prefixes, which makes guessing of the meaning easier. I tried breaking up aberrant: ab + errant = differ from ordinary/norm. Acidulous= acid + dulous= sour something => sour in taste or manner. So I was thinking.. if I am capable of knowing many roots, I can make really good educative guesses.

Then, I came across this word: Analgesia. SO.. HERE WE GO... Anal + gesia => Anal+ geisha => Anal (pain) + geisha => reducing pain without losing consciousness. Makes total sense right?

I don't think I will ever forget this word.