Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what kind of behavior would qualify one as a douche bag?

Initially, my friend and I were discussing how people dress at work. We talked about how a certain someone who wears shorts all the time, someone who wears t-shirt and jeans, checker shirt and dickies worker pants, someone who dress in between punk rock and goth, and lastly a douche bag who just wears anything from the banana republic/j.crew catalog. So, we moved on to a more in-depth discussion on.. what should a douche bag wears to be recognized as a douche bag. 

My friend's take was a guy who wears abercrombie shirt, cargo shorts, surfer jewelry, and flip-flops. I agreed with him since I was able to picture a person who would be a douche bag wearing the above mentioned clothing. Now, I have a slightly more to add onto this douche bag discussion. 

So what are some of the known quality of a douche bag? The dude probably scored numerous chicks in some party, which is the first and the most important requirement to make the vast majority of guys despise him. Secondly, the guy must be well off. I mean.. who would consider ANY poor man douche bag? and it certainly is not difficult to make yourself a douche bag if you are rich. Last but not least, I think the last set of quality a douche bag would posses should be the way he speaks. You see, we would never consider a guy douche bag if we never hear anything from him. 

Lets dive deeper into the topic of how you can speak like a douche bag. The way a douche bag speaks must be of ignorance. Ignoring any opinions coming from the others and in the end trying to force and deceive everyone into thinking that his idea is indeed the best without convincing argument. The guy must be competitive in nature. Douche bags are always better than everybody else. If there are something that he cannot do, it is usually because of lack/waste of time or it is just simply not challenging enough for him. That leads to my third and final point, the guy must be so full of himself that he would take credits for the work that the others have done. I mean.. if you ever talk to someone who you would consider as a.. you know a publicly recognized douche bag, you would notice that he has accomplished many things... and of course without mentioning any help he has ever received from anybody.

I put in some examples as I was writing this entry. I cut them out for the sake of preventing this entry from turning into a "I fucking hate that guy" post. This is very distasteful..  I know I know..  oh well, who cares.

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